Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Things We Would NEVER Tell You In Person

1. Nathaniel is a SNUGGLER! :) This makes my heart so happy. Us girls always talk about how we like to snuggle. Doesnt matter if its in the middle of the day, middle of the night, whenever. GIRLS love a snuggler. Although he would probably never admit this to anyone, he is ;)

2. I LOVE DIET COKE. Although not good for you, the acid tearing up your stomach lining and whatever else it does to your body, but I CRAVE it!!! Like someone people carve chocoloate...I crave DIET COKE. To make myself feel better, I can always pull up the "it has no calories" card to make everything doubtful go away. But I always wonder, is it really better than regular coke? Never the less, I cant stand the taste and after taste of regular coke.

3. I, myself, used to have very tough skin until I met Nathaniel. Now everything that seems to come my way, I get upset about. Why is that, I wonder? I used to never mid if people did not like me, if someone would give me a mean snare or stare, if girls are caddy and stupid..but now I care. Nathaniel does not even have to be around and things upset me. I HATE IT! Has he made me a softie?? OH NO!

4. WE LOVE KIDDOS! I mean LOVE THEM! Not a fettish or anything, we just want TONS of kids! I hope God blesses us by being very fertile. I would not mind have 10 kids. I thought it would cool to have a knock of John and Kate plus 8. Except it would be "Nate and Kate plus 8" Has a nice ring to it, yes? I have always wanted to adopt kids, but after going to Guatemala twice, that gut feeling just wont go away. I would love to have 3 or 4 kids of my own and adopt and few. To give a child a life is something that is so rewarding. Hell, I would probably be okay with not having any kids of my own, just adopting. Okay, well that might be going a little too far..but you see my love now, right?

those are just 4 things about us. I am sure I could wrestle up some more..but we will save the more embarassing ones for later :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your going to be blessed with lots of kiddos!! Just think, I got one brewin for you to play with right now! And he's a mess!! :)

Your heart is so loving and inviting that I can only imagine you having a big family to share such warmth with and make so many wonderful memories with!