Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exercise Your Right..to Vote!

Today as we all know is a VERY important day. Not only will another President be elected into office, but we as citizens and as FREE people get to vote. It is soo important that we all go out and take part/exercise our civic duty.

I got to thinking last night that it was not that long ago that WOMEN could not vote. What was it the 30's or 40's? Now we all get to vote..white, black, asian, hispanic, men and women. How awesome is that! It does not matter to me who you vote for, as long as you are educated on that candiate and know what they bring to the table, then go out and vote for him! But if you are not educated on the issues, maybe you should take a look at each canidate and not just go vote whatever your parents believe in. So many people do this. I would have probably been one of those people if I had not educated myself on each canidate over the past two years.

On the other hand..if you do not vote, then you CAN NOT complain about who ever is elected to lead this country. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. So many times I hear people complaining that Bush did this and Bush did that...when in reality, (a) it was not him and (b) that person did not vote either way, so they have no right to complain what so ever. Does anyone agree with me!!?

Never the less..it is so crucial to go out and vote! Exercise the right that you have to do so, that so many other people in the world will never have! We live in a great country..this is just another great thing that we get to do!!

Peace. Love. Happiness :)
Happy Voting!

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