Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Chapter

The Fam at Dinner after Graduation

Finally I am OUTTA HERE!! :)

I always thought I would be so happy to be done with college. What a huge accomplishment. Little to my surprise, it is all very bittersweet. Over the past 4 years I have become so close to my professors (b/c my school is so small) but more than that, it becomes who you are. Now that I am out of school, I am not sure what to do with my free time. What is FREE TIME anyways?? HECK IF I KNOW! :) It was all great and very prestigious, graduation was. The Archbishop was there, the president with his BIG GOLD CHAIN on. LOL. My dad got a kick outta that! You know, instead of the hood, our president has this gold chain he wears, it was pimpin' to say the least. HA!! Now that I done, I have TONS to do with the wedding and finding and J.O.B, on top of this I am studying for the GRE. Isn't life grand? :) So what was I thinking, me, having free time..what a joke. Life never slows down- but it is definitley a thrill and I LOVE IT!

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